
In April, 2010, when Andrew was 2 1/2, a tumor was discovered behind his eye. The tumor was removed, but it was found to be an aggressive cancer. He endured seven months of chemo and six weeks radiation. In December of 2010, the day after his last treatment, he was rushed to the ER with an almost fatal bacterial infection. He survived.

He is now seven-years-old!! I don't visit here much, because during the ordeal, this is where I dumped everything--my rage, my fear, my sadness, my ugly, my hope, my everything. But I want all of you who supported and prayed for us to hear his updates. You helped me survive, and I am deeply thankful. Every once in awhile, I will check in to let you know how he's doing. Please continue to pray that cancer will never return to his body. Thank you.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

You Capture:Black and White

You Capture: Black and White:

Feels kinda like the Brady Bunch
Puzzle time with Grandma
Grandpa's Hand



  1. Those are awesome! I really love the first one!

  2. If I were a kid, I would love sitting in those cubby holes.

    The light on the second shot is wonderful!

  3. Your posts brought me to tears! I am so sorry that you are having to go through something so hard. On some small level I understand, as my son was diagnosed with hydrocephalus at 8 months and had brain surgery a week later. I wouldn't ask for it again in a million years, but I will say that the Lord used it in my life in amazing ways, as I am sure He is doing in yours. I'm not sure if there is anything harder than fully surrendering your children, but it gives such a special perspective of the cross!! I'll keep all three of your sweet boys in my prayers! Especially a healing touch for Andrew.
    By the way, over here in AZ it is HOT!!! I'm sure you're not missing it!

  4. I love the black and white... such sweet pictures of the kiddos :)

  5. I love them all - but especially the first one :) Totally Brady Bunch'ish!

  6. I love the light in the second shot, but every pic has ooodles of emotion!

  7. Wow, these are amazing. My daughter and my dad like to do puzzles together, so I'm especially partial to that shot. =>

  8. The first one made me giggle... something funny about it. I also love how concerned your boy is with that puzzle! (Sorry, I can't tell which one it is... Sammy?) But Grandpa's Hand stole my heart. How sweet they are!

  9. The puzzle one was my favorite too - just beautiful

  10. i love your pictures, especially that first one.

    praying for andrew, and for strength for you and the whole family. i added a link to your page, with the prayers for andrew attachment, to my blog. God has a plan for Andrew's life - something special - and He will honor it, just remember that and be faithful.


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