
In April, 2010, when Andrew was 2 1/2, a tumor was discovered behind his eye. The tumor was removed, but it was found to be an aggressive cancer. He endured seven months of chemo and six weeks radiation. In December of 2010, the day after his last treatment, he was rushed to the ER with an almost fatal bacterial infection. He survived.

He is now seven-years-old!! I don't visit here much, because during the ordeal, this is where I dumped everything--my rage, my fear, my sadness, my ugly, my hope, my everything. But I want all of you who supported and prayed for us to hear his updates. You helped me survive, and I am deeply thankful. Every once in awhile, I will check in to let you know how he's doing. Please continue to pray that cancer will never return to his body. Thank you.

Monday, November 8, 2010


 I have lots and lots of hats to report!!!  Thank you all so much :)


Singapore (notice the ponytail?) 
He loves it!
Andrew wanted to wear this one of out the house.
I convinced him it might be better to wear at home...:)

   He also got this hat from Singapore

and this one from New York
(all in the same package!  wow!)


West Virginia
 (The paint on his chin matches the yellow in the hat.  A nice touch, I thought.)

North Dakota


Bart the dog
was not a big fan of the
"ponytail hat."

Thanks again!!

You all are wonderful.


  1. I have some kid's hats for you! Can you send me your email (you can post it to my blog - I'll PM you) and if you are cool with that, I can send them! Hugs to your little guy, J

  2. That hat with the braid is so cool.

    PS: I got my husband that same shirt in the Bart pic with Peter Pan and Captain Hook. He loves it...

  3. Oh, and I have one too, just waiting for me to get my act together and get it in the mail. Love the Singapore hat!

  4. The singapore hat is great. Love how they keep coming in. :)

  5. Oh, poor Bart the Dog! Tell him he looks so snazzy in it, though (and give him a few extra treats). =>

  6. I love your hat posts! That must make Andrew feel so loved...from all around the world. It will be really cool when he's older; he'll realize what an impact he made. Have a great one! :-) ♥

  7. How do we send hats to Andrew? My kids would get a kick out of this - and we have a killer Christmas hat that he would love! Send me the details at if you get the time.

    My own blog is here:


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