
In April, 2010, when Andrew was 2 1/2, a tumor was discovered behind his eye. The tumor was removed, but it was found to be an aggressive cancer. He endured seven months of chemo and six weeks radiation. In December of 2010, the day after his last treatment, he was rushed to the ER with an almost fatal bacterial infection. He survived.

He is now seven-years-old!! I don't visit here much, because during the ordeal, this is where I dumped everything--my rage, my fear, my sadness, my ugly, my hope, my everything. But I want all of you who supported and prayed for us to hear his updates. You helped me survive, and I am deeply thankful. Every once in awhile, I will check in to let you know how he's doing. Please continue to pray that cancer will never return to his body. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Tough to Be Two

It is tough to be two. 
You just learned to walk,
you're just learning to talk,
and now you have to do everything with one hand...

or I suppose you can just use your mouth...

But there is one thing you cannot do with one hand...

See Dora over there?

Still not close enough...

There.  Mommy fixed it.

He calls her his "sweet girl."  It is just too darn cute.

1 comment:

  1. It IS cute. And great solution! Evan does everything with a handful (or two) of dinosaurs. It's amazing the skills they develop this way. ;)


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